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Order The Licensable BearTM Big Book of Officially Licensed Fun! All four issues, plus additional stories - $14 postpaid!

Yes, Licensable Bear™ is genuinely available for licensing! Do you have a product that needs a spokesbear? Licensable Bear™ works great as a decoration, and works even better when he is allowed to show his own post-ironic sensibility. Licensable Bear™ is popular with people who get the joke, who know that licensed characters are licensed characters but love them anyway. He’s a character that embraces his own true nature like no other licensed character before him.

And besides, if you license him you’ll make Licensable Bear™ happy. Can you say that about your other licenses?

Licenses are available in a full range of product categories. For more information, please email

Licensable BearTM is trademarked and copyright 2003 by Nat Gertler. All rights reserved. Website content copyright 2003-2005 Nat Gertler.